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Poets and novelists

I begin with two - Landon and Smith, who both deserve much greater recognition. I will be adding Sarah Coleridge soon.

L. E. L.
Charlotte Turner Smith
Sarah Fricker Coleridge

This is Cape Coast Castle, where Letitia died from natural causes. It is a pity her heart condition was ignored because the scandal arising from her death did so much to damage her reputation. It is also sad that this place is now a heritage site as a slave trading post because her husband did so much to eradicate the trade on this coast and it did not exist here during Letitia's short residence. Indeed it would have appalled her.

This photo, courtesy of Wikipedia, shows Beachy Head, subject of Charlotte's great poem of that name, which was published shortly after her death. After a difficult life she finally reached her own Beachy Head and, to some extent, I can imagine her to be resting there.

As Wordsworth wrote 'a lady to whom English verse is under greater obligations than are likely to be either acknowledged or remembered'.

Here is Keswick, where Sarah was brought up. Derwentwater appears behind. The Lake District is the inspiration for the landscapes in her fantasy story, Phantasmion, which is full of wonderful descriptive writing that cries out for a good illustrator.

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